It's autumn in Australia. Take me to the beach. Geelong photographer, Michelle McKay.


It's autumn in Australia. Take me to the beach.

My favourite time to visit the beach is during the off season.

Picture it - it’s a seaside town but all the tourists have gone home for the winter.

The beach is empty save for the gulls, the wind swept ocean and you - rugged up against the brisk autumn breezes in your woolies, a thermos of cocoa in hand and the humans of your heart wrapped around you.


The tones and textures on display toward twilight during this time of year are oh so dreamy.

There’s something almost painterly about the pastel soft blues, the silky greys and the sandy whites. It’s instantly moody, nostalgic and romantic. It evokes a certain timeless beauty that is somehow lost in every other season.


Fortunately for Geelong residents, we have the Great Ocean Road at our toes and oh so many stunning beachscapes at our fingertips.

The story session whose highlights I’m sharing today was shot at a little spot between Barwon Heads and Ocean Grove. I love it for its views, it’s sand dunes and the vastness of the shoreline - there is so much for a family to do and explore in this space, which is perfect for a story session.

Truly though, there are beaches just as enchanting to the south (such as the beautiful and ever iconic Bells Beach) and to the East, over in Portarlington.


Can’t you imagine the wall art that could come from such a session?

Completely magic.

Get in touch to enquire about autumn availability - the next few months are filling fast. 


Into the woods. A family story session in the Great Otway National park with Geelong photographer Michelle McKay.


Making ART from your beautiful ordinary. When family photographs are more than family photographs.