Celebrating turning one without a cake smash. Geelong family photographer on in-home stories for milestones.

the photographs we make with your little one will be so very timelessly now.

the photographs we make with your little one will be so very timelessly now.


It was only a hot second ago you arrived home from the hospital with your teeny tiny newborn - not much more than a pretty little ball of sleepiness and warm.

You figured out breastfeeding or bottles, changed ten-finity nappies in the dead of night, got busy with the smooching and the cuddling, blinked, and here you are - somehow your sweet little possum is about to turn one!

You’ve watched her grow from a curly little koala into this curious little character with ideas, cutie-isms and a wicked sense of humour, and you’re realising - after witnessing how quickly that last year flew, and the way she’s somehow so radically and entirely changed in this short time - that this enchanting and hilarious and rather delicious little human bean will be here a mere moment, before she grows and evolves once again.

For these reasons and *so* many others, turning twelve months is a milestone worthy of celebrating.

The only real decision left to make is HOW?

At some point you’ve no doubt heard mention of cake smash sessions, and while they sounds super fun, perhaps you’re wondering what you’d do with those photographs, once all’s said and done.

As crazy adorable your little one would look with her cute little face covered in cake (and she really would!) how long would you really have them hanging on the living room wall..?

Can I suggest an alternative..?

One year old in-home milestone story sessions.

Imagine photographs that catch the memories of this beautiful ordinary now - imagery that will help you to forever remember her, just as she is, and that will eternalise the breathtaking bond the two of you have come to share in the wonderful whirlwind of your first year together.

Here are some things we could do!

Let’s get photographs of her in her crib - the sight of her standing at the rails, waiting for mama or daddy is something you’ll want to revisit once she’s learned to scale those sides! Some families schedule my arrival for when their little peach is just waking up, so we can catch that beautiful bed hair and sleepy cheeks, too.

Of course, we’ll be sure to make photographs of her playing with her most favourite things; the ones she most adores right *now*.

Perhaps it’s her best teddy, or her pacifier, or the climbing frame daddy made. Maybe it’s a rattle she loves to shake, or the hilarious game she made up with the sofa cushions.

All the bits and pieces that make up your every day - we’ll get photographs of those.

When it comes to a one year milestone and rites of passage, I love to keep things classic.

Let’s make some endlessly timeless photographs of your babe bathing in the kitchen sink. It’s a place that will allow us to witness her curiosity, the fun and games of water, her joy in splashing, and those delightful baby rolls that will one day soon fade forever away.

Finally, let’s make a family portrait - something organic and artful.

Something you can frame and hang above the sofa, or in the hall by the front door; a testament to this beautiful time of love, adoration and connection.

A keepsake of now you can cherish forever.

Congratulations, guys - that first year is madness. Magnificent, exhausting, delicious madness.

Oh, but the *next* twelve months..?

Mama, get ready - there is so much fun left to come!

I’d LOVE knowing some of the things you’d want to remember from the first year with your little one - come and reach out for a chat..? x

…and an organic family portrait for the wall.

…and an organic family portrait for the wall.


The above in-home lifestyle session was photographed in the Geelong suburb of Belmont by Geelong photographer Michelle McKay, who specialises in in-home newborn and family photography.

Michelle services the greater Geelong region, Ballarat and Melbourne.


Just a bit of silliness, really. Geelong in-home family photography sessions, and the personalised art that results.


3 pretty cool things to know about a newborn story session with siblings, with Geelong photographer Michelle McKay