3 pretty cool things to know about a newborn story session with siblings, with Geelong photographer Michelle McKay
If this doesn’t catch the happy energy that is having three small ones in the home, nothing will!
Imagine - you’ve just had your second or third (or fourth!) babe, and you’re thinking about photographs.
Fact is, if there’s anything your bigger kids have taught you in their young lives, it’s that time freaking FLIES. I mean, in those first couple years they grow and change basically bi-weekly, so yeah - making photographs is important.
You’ve just brought a brand new bundle of cuteness home, and the kids who already share your address maybe have some feelings.
Like, LOTS of feelings.
Many of them are happy feelings! Excitement. Awe. Adoration for the pink little smooch who they’ve possibly had the pleasure of squeezing with far too much toddler enthusiasm many times by now.
Perhaps they’re having some messier feelings, too. They’re feeling a little lost maybe, or a bit confused. They might be a tad tired, since there’s now this baby who seemingly wakes multiple times in the night, just to make a whole heap of noise.
Those bigger babies are probably working really hard to rediscover and resettle into their very valued and very safe place in their lovely growing family.
So having someone they’ve not yet met come to take photographs might not sound like a good time.
Fairly, it may seem like a kinda scary roll of the dice from a mama’s perspective, too.
What if the kids are cross, or crabby, or completely unwilling to participate..?
I want to ease your mind, mama.
Let me reassure you -
Hand on heart, story sessions are FUN.
I mean, they kinda have to be - how else would we get the little mischief makers involved? ; ) I have a whole range of games and tricks and challenges that bigger kiddies LOVE, and that help me make fun filled imagery that possess a playful energy that truly expresses your kiddo’s personality.
As a memory catcher, it’s super important for me that we’re making photographs that’ll take your kids back to sharing a beautiful morning of smiles and giggles with their family, so having willing participants is so important and kinda essential for me. (And I’ve never walked away without the goods!)
We’re not in any rush.
All of my story sessions - whether with a tiny newborn or with a whole bunch of kids - are child led and child paced. When you enquire about having me come to visit, I’ll tell you the session lasts roughly two hours, but that’s only a guide intended to help you plan your day.
I’m not leaving until we’ve all had enough, and I’ve made those precious photographs.
So we take it easy; we stop for snacks, we call a time out (this is a great opportunity to focus for a while on new baby), we pop out the back for a run in the garden, and we let the kidlets show us what they need.
It’s nice, it’s relaxed, and it’s not too overwhelming to the big kids, who are already taking on a LOT of NEW.
I’m going to make all the ‘money shots’ in a way that is as unique and original as your little crew.
Of course you want a photograph of your bigs with your newest little.
Of yourself with all your precious tiny characters.
Of your whole family, all together in one frame for the very first time.
Of your pretty baby in all her glory.
Of you and your freshest scrumptious peach.
And I will GLADLY make all that happen for you.
Occasionally it may mean getting a little creative, and a little goofy, and a little out of the box, but isn’t that just exactly perfect..?
Isn’t that what’s most likely going to get you the shots that are most acutely and entirely YOU..?
All this to say - I’ve got you, mama.
I love a little chaos and crazy; heck, if it wasn’t a little hectic with a house full of smalls, you’re doing it wrong (or you’re doing it REALLY right - will you be my fairy godmother..?).
You’re in safe hands, okay? x
Enjoy a slice of this fun filled newborn and family photography session, made earlier this year for a gorgeous Clifton Springs family who I first photographed when their middle slice of sunshine was born.
Clifton Springs is a part of the Bellarine Peninsula and is just outside Geelong - an hour and a little bit from Melbourne, Victoria.
To see another beautiful newborn session, pop on over here.
And here’s another lovely session with an older newborn - this little one was around 6 weeks.
If you have little ones at home already it may be helpful to take a read of this piece or this piece.
Are you welcoming a new little family member soon? Click here to invite me to your place.