Isn't this mama simply radiant with love?

Isn't this mama simply radiant with love?


My husband and I have happily decided to call our family complete with our two darling children.


When I visit a mama during those first 48 hours after birthing their new baby, my heart could burst with the weight of the longing and envy.

Nothing before or after compares to those first few hours after bringing a baby into the world.

You’re on such an emotional and hormonal high - your endorphins are flying, you’re filled to overflowing with adoration and wonder at the tiny creature who has been laid in your arms; fresh and pink and calling with a cry that feels like your name.

The days that come next can be tough.

In the throes of sleep deprivation and adjusting to a new and beautiful burden, your body struggles to recover from birth.


The bond you made in those first few hours of breathing each other in is a wick that burns ever slowly.

Lighting the way.

Leading you out of the dark.

A Fresh 48 is when I come to visit you at the hospital on the day of your baby's birth.

I get photographs of all the good stuff - baby's teeny details, feeding, and those beautiful bonding snuggles.

On this particular occasion I was there for when babe met his big brother and sister for the first time, too. I think you'll agree, the resulting images are SUCH a treasure. x

A Fresh 48 story session can be a lovely compromise for when you adore the idea of birth photography, but it's perhaps a little out of your budget.

If you would like to see a birth story, you can visit a gallery here and here. x

I can come do a story sessions once you get your baby home, too. Check out some past sessions here and here.  I also photograph birth stories. Have you seen this lovely set?


She Breathed Through It: Birth Photography at Geelong Hospital by Michelle McKay Photographer


Home is so much more than a place - an in-home newborn photography session in Newtown, Geelong.