As a photographer for newborns and young families in Geelong, I’m so honoured to step into people’s homes and capture those organic, meaningful moments that make up a family love story.

Here you’ll find some snippets of my professional family photography in Geelong and beyond.

Why in-home newborn photography..? It’s baby-led and beautiful.

‘Picture this. You’ve just brought home your brand new baby - maybe this week, maybe last, or maybe almost more than a month back now (um, where did THAT month go..?). Maybe you little one is a late night party-pants, and you’re up from the small hours and into the early morning. Perhaps your babe is still growing used to feeding, and possibly burping takes longer than you’d possibly hoped to plan…’

In this piece, Geelong Photographer Michelle McKay explores the benefits of in-home photography for families bringing home a brand new infant.

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If you're wondering today if you are enough. A message for mamas everywhere from Melbourne photographer, Michelle McKay

‘If you're wondering today if you are enough, I am here to tell you, you are enough. If you're fretting you're not doing a good enough job, please hear me - you are doing *such* a good job. If you're overworked and overtired and overthinking everything, let me ease your mind. You're doing SO great, mama.’

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay delivers a message to mothers they rarely get to hear.

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before + after. An in-home maternity and newborn story session with Geelong photographer, Michelle McKay.

‘When it came to making a record of your pregnancy, you found yourself hoping for something a little more understated, a little more relaxed, a little more authentic. Something that went a little closer to catching a little of what life is like for you right now, in these quiet days and weeks of anticipation before your already adored darling arrives, and shakes everything up. You may not quite know exactly what you’re exactly envisioning. You just know you’d like something that’s a little more... you.’

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay speaks about the importance of maternity photography and announces a gift for pregnant mamas in Geelong.

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When yellow leaves are falling. An in-home newborn story session with Geelong photographer, Michelle McKay.

‘You arrived when the yellow leaves were falling. Tiny beams of yellow light floated softly from tired branches, carpeting the path your parents would walk to bring you gently home. It’s a quiet time, when the leaves fall. A reflective, and a still. And now it will be known as the time they met you - their own happy little star. Fallen from the skies like a tiny yawn, Landing safely in their arms.’

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay shares a short poem, pertaining to the beauty of an autumn born baby.

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A mama and her baby just moments after birth at St John of God Geelong Hospital, Michelle McKay Photographer

‘Fresh 48 Story - A session documenting those first few hours of a newborn's life in the world. Freshie sessions takes place within the first 24-48 hours of your baby's life, and are a perfect way to ensure you remember that first day forever.’

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay showcases a Fresh 48 Story Session, captured at St John of God Geelong Hospital.

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Dear Friends, On the eve of my baby’s arrival, gift me photographs. An open letter by Geelong photographer, Michelle McKay

‘Whether it be baby one or number three, the long standing tradition of gathering with well wishes, wisdom and an assortment of miscellaneous baby goods is a beautiful way to arm new mamas on their journey into motherhood. When the gorgeous day of kindred connection and pastel patterned bunting comes to a close, pregnant women the country over are left with a belly full of cake and a gift table piled high with lotions, onesies, cloth nappies and an assortment of either brightly coloured or wooden infant paraphernalia (depending where you sit on the scale of one to Montessori).’

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay introduces the idea of gifting expectant mothers a photo session, rather than baby goods.

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The Artful Expression of Mother Love. Geelong photographer, Michelle McKay.

'My preoccupation and profound regard for motherhood runs deep. It’s one of the things I am most drawn to in my photography of families - the acutely familiar, almost magical connection shared between a child and his mother.'

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay explores why it's so crucial for mothers to have photographs with their children.

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One more way to say 'I love you'. A newborn photography session with Geelong photographer Michelle McKay.

'On the day I met my daughter, the axis of my entire world shifted. Here was this tiny baby - this completely perfect, breathlessly beautiful little girl. And for a little while, she was mine to keep.'

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay describes the way having photographs taken of the milestone that is welcoming new life is just one more way to show your new addition just how valuable and important they truly are.

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I’ve just birthed my baby - for when should I book my in-home newborn story? (Or, Why in-home newborn sessions are about so much more than a baby). By Geelong Newborn Photographer, Michelle McKay.

'In the name of documenting a significant and life changing piece of your family's story, let’s catch those memories as soon as possible! : ) Whether this is your first or final babe (or perhaps one in between!), those first few days of bring home baby will be exciting, formative and incomparable, as well as amongst the most fleeting of eras in your long life.'

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay explains the importance and beauty of catching the memories of the first week home with a new baby.

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She Breathed Through It: Birth Photography at Geelong Hospital by Michelle McKay Photographer

'As in life, birth is an unpredictable business - you’re not always dealt what you were expecting, that for which you may have planned. Yet when this mama learned she was best to birth in hospital and forego her delivery at The Geelong Birth House, she breathed through it. '

In this piece, Geelong Photographer Michelle McKay shares the courageous and endlessly beautiful birth of a sweet baby girl.

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A Fresh 48 Newborn Photography Story Session at Geelong Hospital.

'Nothing before or after compares to those first few hours after bringing a baby into the world.'

In this piece, Geelong Photographer Michelle McKay talks about the beauty and importance of having that first 48 hours with a new baby documented. 

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