Meeting your baby only happens once. A list of somethings worth remembering by Geelong photographer, Michelle McKay.

A perfect little dot at Saint John of God Hospital, Geelong.

A perfect little dot at Saint John of God Hospital, Geelong.



Remember the day you met your baby..?

Remember how fresh he was, how wrinkly, how completely 

and utterly 

and incomparably 


Remember how pink, how sleepy,

and how long and relaxed and entirely trusting he seemed, 

stretched all the way out in the hospital bassinet?

Can you recall the way he’d pull his legs in tight against his tummy -

habit and reflex causing him to recreate the cosy curl of the womb, or

the soft and downy hairs on his shoulders and down his back, or

the length of his toes, or

his teeny button nose?

Remember the way his entire self fitted in the palms of your hands,

the way his hands wrapped into happy little fists in his lap,

the way it felt to run your lips across his cheek,

the way it felt to trace the tiny lines on his tiny feet,

the way it felt when he’d squint up 

and see right into you.

The stunned awe of counting his fingers, 

and then counting his fingers, 

and then counting his fingers.

The comfort and contentment he found in your arms, and

how red his face would grow when he was cranky, and

how much he looked like his daddy 

and his brother 

and his sister 

and maybe even a little bit

like you.

This gorgeous Fresh 48 Story Session took place at Saint John of God Hospital, Geelong.

You can see a second Fresh 48 story session, also made at Saint John of God Hospital, here.

A third Fresh 48 story session (this one made at Barwon Health Public Hospital, Geelong) can be enjoyed here.

Would you like the first hours document for your own baby? Click here to enquire about availability. x


From bump to baby. A mama in waiting with Geelong photographer, Michelle McKay.


What should we wear to our photography session? A visual clothing guide by Geelong and Melbourne photographer, Michelle McKay.