As a photographer for newborns and young families in Geelong, I’m so honoured to step into people’s homes and capture those organic, meaningful moments that make up a family love story.

Here you’ll find some snippets of my professional family photography in Geelong and beyond.

Everything you were wondering about an in-home newborn story session but didn’t know to ask.

“You’re busy growing a baby and you’re getting excited about those first week photos. But the big decision is looming - it’s time to decide whether to invite a photographer to come to your home once your little one arrives.”

In this piece, Geelong newborn photographer Michelle McKay answers all the questions you never knew you had about in-home newborn photography, including the big one - is in-home photography for everyone..?

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The real life; beautiful ordinary artefacts, and why unposed photography is an investment in forever. Or: What real treasure looks like, with Geelong and Melbourne photographer, Michelle McKay

‘When I was small, my dad took photographs. I guess you could call him an original family documentarian; he didn’t just take photos of clean kids siting neatly on the porch, or in front of the church before Sunday School. He took photographs of everything. My toddler brother in his high chair, eating Vegemite toast. Me and my sister picking mandarins off the fruit tree in the backyard, or shelling peas at the picnic table with mum. The washing line, heavy with tiny pastel singlets and cloth nappies on washing day, stark whites flapping lazily in the sunny breeze.’

In this piece, Geelong and Melbourne photographer Michelle McKay explores the true value of unposed photography and the way its value only grows over time.

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Meeting your baby only happens once. A list of somethings worth remembering by Geelong photographer, Michelle McKay.

‘Remember the day you met your baby..? Remember how fresh he was, how wrinkly, how completely and utterly and incomparably perfect?’

In this piece, Geelong and Melbourne photographer Michelle McKay explores the sentimental reasons why making a record of your baby’s first hours is so very important.

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something more than photographs. Geelong newborn photographer, Michelle McKay.

‘Not all photographs are created equal. Some are beautiful.  Pretty. Cute. Expertly executed. Perfectly composited. Skilfully processed. Artfully composed. Others take you some place.’

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay reminds us of the importance of capturing more than just your baby’s likeness in her photographs.

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Dear Friends, On the eve of my baby’s arrival, gift me photographs. An open letter by Geelong photographer, Michelle McKay

‘Whether it be baby one or number three, the long standing tradition of gathering with well wishes, wisdom and an assortment of miscellaneous baby goods is a beautiful way to arm new mamas on their journey into motherhood. When the gorgeous day of kindred connection and pastel patterned bunting comes to a close, pregnant women the country over are left with a belly full of cake and a gift table piled high with lotions, onesies, cloth nappies and an assortment of either brightly coloured or wooden infant paraphernalia (depending where you sit on the scale of one to Montessori).’

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay introduces the idea of gifting expectant mothers a photo session, rather than baby goods.

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The making of meaningful family photographs. A newborn story session in Melbourne with photographer Michelle McKay.

'It’s so simple to plan photographs that are not only beautiful, but also possess untold meaning for your precious family. Select a ritual or routine from your daily life. It may be something you often overlook or take for granted - bathing the baby in the kitchen sink, for example.'

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay suggests how simple it can be to make photographs that are meaningful, as well as beautiful.

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The Artful Expression of Mother Love. Geelong photographer, Michelle McKay.

'My preoccupation and profound regard for motherhood runs deep. It’s one of the things I am most drawn to in my photography of families - the acutely familiar, almost magical connection shared between a child and his mother.'

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay explores why it's so crucial for mothers to have photographs with their children.

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I’ve just birthed my baby - for when should I book my in-home newborn story? (Or, Why in-home newborn sessions are about so much more than a baby). By Geelong Newborn Photographer, Michelle McKay.

'In the name of documenting a significant and life changing piece of your family's story, let’s catch those memories as soon as possible! : ) Whether this is your first or final babe (or perhaps one in between!), those first few days of bring home baby will be exciting, formative and incomparable, as well as amongst the most fleeting of eras in your long life.'

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay explains the importance and beauty of catching the memories of the first week home with a new baby.

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in-home session, on nostalgia and WHY michelle mckay in-home session, on nostalgia and WHY michelle mckay

A beautiful ordinary afternoon with the Connell family of Bentleigh, Melbourne. Michelle McKay Photographer documents life.

'My memories of childhood playtime are vague, but oh so precious. In them, my sister (who was just 11 months my senior) plays a pivotal role. She was my best friend and side kick when we were small.'

In this piece, Geelong Photographer Michelle McKay explores the gift that is documentary photography - especially for children once they've grown.

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5 Reasons in-home newborn photography is gaining popularity with new parents.

'I have hazy memories of bringing home my newborns. Both times we were sleep deprived, shell-shocked and surviving on a random combination of coffee, cereal, (painkillers!) and frozen dinners. Truth be told, I was too tired to think about newborn photographs and being a photographer I figured I’d take them myself (right after my next nap…).'

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay talks about the many benefits of having a memory catcher come to your home to take photographs when you bring home a new baby.

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Beautiful Ordinary Adventures - An excursion to the Geelong Playspace in East Geelong, with Geelong Photographer Michelle McKay

'Monday is our adventure day. The greater Geelong region is overflowing with fun little family friendly parks, playgrounds and spaces, and as relative newcomers to the area, we're busy discovering them all.'

In this piece, Geelong Photographer Michelle McKay visits the Geelong Playspace in East Geelong.

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Family Identity and the Importance of HOME. Geelong photographer documents an afternoon with the Lynch family.

"It's said that you can never go home again, and it's true enough, of course. But the opposite is also true. You must go back, and you always go back, and you can never stop going back, no matter how hard you try."

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay speaks on the importance and the role of home in shaping personal identity. For this reason, photographing people in their homes is so important - it tells a part of their unique story.

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