When yellow leaves are falling. An in-home newborn story session with Geelong photographer, Michelle McKay.


Oh, the tenderness of baby love. 

Oh, the tenderness of baby love. 


You arrived when the yellow leaves were falling.

Tiny beams of yellow light floated softly from tired branches,

carpeting the path your parents would walk to bring you gently home.

It’s a quiet time, when the leaves fall.

A reflective, and a still.

And now it will be known as the time they met you - 

their own happy little star.

Fallen from the skies like a tiny yawn

Landing safely in their arms.


before + after. An in-home maternity and newborn story session with Geelong photographer, Michelle McKay.


The beach is best in winter. Let me tell you why. A beach story session with Geelong photographer, Michelle McKay.