Why in-home newborn photography..? It’s baby-led and beautiful.


Picture this.

You’ve just brought home your brand new baby - maybe this week, maybe last, or maybe almost more than a month back now (um, where did THAT month go..?).

Maybe your little one is a late night party-pants, and you’re up from the small hours and into the early morning.

Perhaps your babe is still growing used to feeding, and possibly burping takes longer than you’d possibly hoped to plan. 

Maybe your poor little munchkin has a nasty spot of reflux, and their little tummy struggles more than you’d like (I promise this will pass, as everything does. Stay strong, mama. x).

Probably they’re happiest in your arms or on your chest - as teeny little nurselings who are still learning to human are fairly apt to be.

Now. Imagine you’d planned a newborn session, to catch the memories of this spectacular time.

Imagine all of the above is true, and now you’re packing yourselves into a car with babe and all the bits and bobs to find the studio, and to the ardent hope that your tiny one is having a better morning - restful and peaceful and calm - so they’ll be happy and willing when you pass them over to your lovely newborn photographer.

Maybe even the prospect of that feels just a little overwhelming.

A few wonderful things about in-home photography -

There is no leaving the house. I come to you, and it is oh-so relaxed.

It doesn’t matter when you invite me over - it may be week one or two or five. In-home story sessions aren’t dependent on age; we can make stunning imagery regardless of your pretty baby’s stage.

In-home sessions are entirely baby led. 

Baby’s feeding..? That’s okay. Take your time, lean into it. All is well here.

Little one needs a cuddle..? Let’s swaddle him or snuggle him and give him what he needs. There are no expectations.

Your precious sweet has a tummy pain or needs a reset..? How about we run a warm bath and see if that soothes her. Babies so often love the water.

And at the end of it all..?

We’ll have made authentic, original, meaningful imagery of your new little family unit, all while you were learning and falling in love with one another.

Why in-home newborn photography..? It’s baby-led and beautiful.

This in-home newborn photography session was photographed in Brunswick, Melbourne.

Just look at this pretty little boy, enjoying snuggles with mama and his daddy.

If you enjoyed that session, click here to see another in-home newborn, photographed in Geelong.

Click here to see the gorgeous gallery of a little one born in Melbourne, and photographed in-home.

This in-home session follows the journey of a Geelong mama from bump to precious fourth baby.

If you’ve just had a newborn in Geelong or the surrounding region, reach out here to have me come photograph your little family.


Everything you were wondering about an in-home newborn story session but didn’t know to ask.


Even children get older. In-home newborn photography with Geelong photographer Michelle McKay.