A beautiful ordinary morning in the life: a visit to Modewarre with Geelong photographer Michelle McKay

Those family portraits can exhausting business…

Those family portraits can exhausting business…

…that’s why we keep it silly with all the fun and games!

…that’s why we keep it silly with all the fun and games!


This story session took place on a property in Modewarre, which is located between Winchelsea and Moriac, roughly twenty minutes drive from Geelong.

These two lovely boys showed me such a good time, introducing me to their favourite spaces, and the things they most love to do.

Can you imagine being lucky enough to have TWO tree-house cubbies..?! AND a tyre swing?! AND a trampoline..?! And chooks, and trees, and bikes, and an entire field of grassland in which to romp and run and play?!

Not to mention the sweetest little sister on whom to dote, and an ever present mama and daddy who are always up for a giggle and a smooch.

Childhood goals right there, my friends.

Making this family’s story went like all others; I arrive, and we let it all unfold, all on it’s own.

It’s relaxed and low key, with its own ebb and flow.

The kids show me around, and I ask them lots of questions to discover all the best mischief they happily make; that way I can be sure to get all that goodness documented, packed full of all your YOU-NESS.

I gently guide your sweet family in a way that helps me make an honest and artful record of right now; of your organic connections and your little ones’ distinct character and idiosyncrasies.

At some point before the kids are ready for a rest I’ll gather you all together and we’ll make some family portraits in a way that feels natural and original and fun. Something for nanna, but also something for you - something that, looking back years from now, you’ll recognise yourselves in. Something that will always mean something, that will forever bring you back to this time in your beautiful ordinary lives.

And when (a few short weeks after our time together) I deliver your gallery, it will be filled to the gills with artful, unique, joyful, energetic images that are made for your walls; a celebration of your family, a testimony to your love for one another, and a new and fitting heart song and cornerstone for your happy home.

Interested in seeing another family story with bigger kiddies..? Come on over for a lookie here.

Looking to have some memories caught for your own little family? Pop over here to connect.


Sisterhood and sibling love. A morning at home in Bannockburn with Geelong photographer Michelle McKay.


In-home newborn photography - for beautiful babies and their wonderful older wildlings.