Sisterhood and sibling love. A morning at home in Bannockburn with Geelong photographer Michelle McKay.


Last night while preparing dinner, I phoned my sister.

It was the typical type of conversation - she filling me in on the shenanigans of my nephew and niece, and what's been going on at work, and the pretty new lemon tree she got for her birthday.

Then me laughing with her about the dog, and the silly thing my son did earlier that day, and describing in all too unnecessary detail the floral chair I'm hoping to find for the corner of my room.

I ended the call smiling, and fell promptly and deeply into a thought that left me breathless.

We two women sharing these beautiful ordinary conversations while chopping onions and dicing zucchini and tofu in our own respective kitchens were once little girls together - sharing snuggles and squabbles and secrets in the way only siblings can.

And just like us, these two little possums I photographed on the weekend will one day - in a not too distant time - be grown up ladies too, chatting and laughing over the phone, or in one another's light filled living rooms.

And on that distant day, they'll have these photographs.

An archive; a little relic of their love that pre-dates their knowledge of cake recipes, and bills to pay, and the new thing they're learning in the most recent book they're reading.

A little reminder of their home, and where they're from.

The warm knowing that it was always right here. With her.

Just as it was - and will always be - for me and my sister.

It’s the sisterhood. The great sibling love.

What a grand and lovely thing of which to make a record through photographs.

This family story took place in Bannockburn, which is a small country town between Geelong and Ballarat.

I visited them on a Saturday morning, and these two sweet girlies showed me some of their favourite things, and shared with me their best people - their mama, their dad, and - most importantly - each other.

Interested in seeing another family story with bigger kiddies..? Come on over for a lookie here.

You can check availability for having your own children’s love documented here.


A month or more in: in-home lifestyle story sessions with an older babe, and why it's never too late to take the picture.


A beautiful ordinary morning in the life: a visit to Modewarre with Geelong photographer Michelle McKay