In-home newborn photography - for beautiful babies and their wonderful older wildlings.
Did I say wildlings..? SIBLINGS. I meant siblings. Obviously.
If I’d kept track of the number of times an expectant mama has reached out to enquire about an in-home newborn session where the conversation went a little something like “we REALLY want photographs when the new baby arrives, but our toddler, bless him, well he’s a serious DARLING, but let me explain…”
That feeling when your light fittings are covered in tiny toddler fingerprints… : )
Well. It’d be a lot.
Mama, I hear you.
I mean toddlers, am I right?!
And there’s spirited, and then there’s SPIRITED, you know..? In the sense that some of these spectacular little stunners legit cannot stay still.
Like as in it’s not that they just don’t feel like posing for a photograph right now, but rather that it’s simply not in their nature to pause their perpetual motion; there is too much to do, too many things to discover, too many family, friends and unsuspecting folk to enchant with their endless cuteness to just take five minutes off.
Mama, I want you to know I get it.
I know toddlers like yours. Heck, I LOVE toddlers like yours.
All children are not created equal, and you hit the jackpot with one of the wonder ones - the wildlings, the mischief makers, the irresistible, could-eat-them-all-up-if-you-could-only-catch-them ones.
And that’s okay.
The beauty of an in-home newborn session..?
We’re gong to meet that first born little human of yours just exactly where they are - roly poly snuggles, fleeting kisses, climbing on the furniture, and stealing off and away up the hallway again, and all.
And it will be fun, and chill, and I swear I will help you to not stress, to not wish they’d just be different, to not squash their energies and dampen their spirits with stern words and JUST IT DOWNs.
(Oh, and we’ll be sure to take some quiet moments to smooch with that new little love, too.)
Let’s make photographs of your family that fully catch the memories of YOUR FAMILY - just as you are.
What could be better than that..?
Oh and also -
You’re doing an amazing job.
That kiddo of yours is incredible, and you’re a superstar.
They’re going to do wonderful things one day.
You just gotta keep them in one piece for oh, I don’t know, fifteen or so more years..? x
Enjoy this in-home newborn session, photographed in Ocean Grove, just outside of Geelong.
Would you believe - I photographed this little munchkin when he arrived, too! Check it here. x
Are you the mother of your own wonderful wildling..? Expecting number two (or three) some time soon..? Reach out to discover availabilities for the remainder of 2020. x