A month or more in: in-home lifestyle story sessions with an older babe, and why it's never too late to take the picture.


This is for the mama whose newest addition is already here; life got crazy, and then there was a baby, and you’re only really getting around to looking into photographs now.

Perhaps it wasn’t until she arrived that you even fully felt the importance of having photographs made. In just the past few weeks alone you’ve seen her grow and change more than you could have imagined, though; looking back at those phone snaps you took in the hospital you could swear she’s a different baby.

It’s enough to make your heart ache.

Maybe you didn’t think you needed photos yet, that you’d wait for her to be older. Now you’re feeling like you don’t want to ever forget what it was like to hold her at this age; what it felt like to have her so small against your chest, the look of her little fingers, and how you could wrap her right up in a tight little ball and she was so happy; sleeping in your arms. The smell of her mama making her safe and secure and at home.

Except now you’re doing some reading, and everything is saying you may have left your run too late; that actually it’s quite important to have those newborn photographs made in the first couple weeks of having baby home, if you want them to turn out nicely.

I’m here to reassure you, Mama - that’s not the only way.

I’m an in-home newborn photographer.

It means I come to you, and that presents two fantastic advantages.

First, it means the photographs I make will be instantly that little more meaningful - they’ll be created in the very place to which you brought baby home, and in the very rooms and spaces where you fell in love with her.

Second, it means the necessity of making those images in the first couple weeks isn’t dire. We wont be posing babe booty up, or propped up on her hands. We’ll be making photographs of she with you, and of the enchanting, undeniable connection the two of you so clearly already share.

When you reach out and we schedule your in-home session, I’ll help you with everything you need to know to ensure we’re able to make artful, organic imagery that tells the story of your mama love, as well as some simple, beautiful imagery of your new little darling on her own; regardless of her age.

Promise. x

This sweet little newborn story took place in Geelong West, just around the corner from my place.

I arrived as babe was preparing for a feed, and documented snuggles with both mama and daddy, as well as making some delicious sleeping imagery once little one had been snuggled happily to sleep.

Due to the adventure that was 2020, I wasn’t able to photograph this little dot when she first arrived; we had to wait for the restrictions in Victoria to be lifted first.

For that reason, this honey was already several weeks old when it was time for her story session. It didn’t prevent us from making artful imagery, it just ever so slightly changed the memories I was catching.

No less beautiful or worthy; just a little different.

A couple weeks after our story session, I hand delivered this stunning artwork to this family’s door.

Pop over here to see more happy families with their wall art.

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Are you welcoming a new little family member soon? Click here to invite me to your place.

To see another beautiful newborn session, pop on over here.

And here’s another lovely session with an older newborn - this little one was around 6 weeks.

If you have little ones at home already it may be helpful to take a read of this piece or this piece.


3 pretty cool things to know about a newborn story session with siblings, with Geelong photographer Michelle McKay


Sisterhood and sibling love. A morning at home in Bannockburn with Geelong photographer Michelle McKay.