As a photographer for newborns and young families in Geelong, I’m so honoured to step into people’s homes and capture those organic, meaningful moments that make up a family love story.

Here you’ll find some snippets of my professional family photography in Geelong and beyond.

3 pretty cool things to know about a newborn story session with siblings, with Geelong photographer Michelle McKay

Imagine - you’ve just had your second or third (or fourth!) babe, and you’re thinking about photographs. Fact is, if there’s anything your bigger kids have taught you in their young lives, it’s that time freaking FLIES. I mean, in those fist couple years they grow and change basically bi-weekly, so yeah - making photographs is important. Except. You’ve just brought a brand new bundle of cuteness home, and the kids who already share your address maybe have some feelings. Like, LOTS of feelings.

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In-home newborn photography - for beautiful babies and their wonderful older wildlings.

‘If I’d kept track of the times an expectant mama has reached out to me to enquire about an in-home newborn story session where the conversation went a little something like “we REALLY want photographs when the new baby arrives, but our toddler, bless him, well he’s a serious DARLING, but let me explain…”’

In this piece, Geelong in-home newborn photographer Michelle McKay speaks to the benefits of in-home sessions when you’re bringing baby home to a spectacular and spirited older sibling.

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The real life; beautiful ordinary artefacts, and why unposed photography is an investment in forever. Or: What real treasure looks like, with Geelong and Melbourne photographer, Michelle McKay

‘When I was small, my dad took photographs. I guess you could call him an original family documentarian; he didn’t just take photos of clean kids siting neatly on the porch, or in front of the church before Sunday School. He took photographs of everything. My toddler brother in his high chair, eating Vegemite toast. Me and my sister picking mandarins off the fruit tree in the backyard, or shelling peas at the picnic table with mum. The washing line, heavy with tiny pastel singlets and cloth nappies on washing day, stark whites flapping lazily in the sunny breeze.’

In this piece, Geelong and Melbourne photographer Michelle McKay explores the true value of unposed photography and the way its value only grows over time.

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5 compelling reasons to have your next photo shoot at home. Catching memories with Geelong photographer, Michelle McKay.

‘Shooting in-home is my very best thing.Nothing excites me as an artist like arriving at your home and knowing I’m about to make you artful imagery that is also deeply meaningful and exactly unique to only you.
But there are so many reasons in-home sessions should be your first pick, too. Here are five of them.'

In this piece, Geelong and Melbourne photographer Michelle McKay explores five key reasons why in-home story sessions are so very beautiful.

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What should we wear to our photography session? A visual clothing guide by Geelong and Melbourne photographer, Michelle McKay.

‘So you’ve booked a photo session and the big day is drawing nearer. Now for the tricky bit - what do we wear?!’

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay provides some simple tips and a visual storybook for what to wear to ensure you look your best for your family photographs.

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The beach is best in winter. Let me tell you why. A beach story session with Geelong photographer, Michelle McKay.

‘I hear it a lot.‘We cannot wait to book an outdoor session with you, just as soon as the weather warms up!’ ‘Just as soon as summer arrives we’ll be booking a beach story for sure!’ In fact, I’ve already started booking beach summer story sessions. After all, the beach and the summer go together like peas and carrots. Right? But. Folks. Winter at the beach is it’s own type of magical, in a way that cannot be overstated.’

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay stresses the beauty of beach sessions during the winter time.

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Dear Friends, On the eve of my baby’s arrival, gift me photographs. An open letter by Geelong photographer, Michelle McKay

‘Whether it be baby one or number three, the long standing tradition of gathering with well wishes, wisdom and an assortment of miscellaneous baby goods is a beautiful way to arm new mamas on their journey into motherhood. When the gorgeous day of kindred connection and pastel patterned bunting comes to a close, pregnant women the country over are left with a belly full of cake and a gift table piled high with lotions, onesies, cloth nappies and an assortment of either brightly coloured or wooden infant paraphernalia (depending where you sit on the scale of one to Montessori).’

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay introduces the idea of gifting expectant mothers a photo session, rather than baby goods.

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Making ART from your beautiful ordinary. When family photographs are more than family photographs.

'When I began printing and displaying my family’s photographs, it was for no other reasons than that seeing my children and our beautiful ordinary life on our walls made me crazily, dizzily happy. But when I saw the impact it had on my daughter to see herself large as life in the hallway, in the bedroom and above the kitchen bench, I was hooked.'

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay talks about selecting wall art that is not only a beautiful representation of your family, but that is also artistic.

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The making of meaningful family photographs. A newborn story session in Melbourne with photographer Michelle McKay.

'It’s so simple to plan photographs that are not only beautiful, but also possess untold meaning for your precious family. Select a ritual or routine from your daily life. It may be something you often overlook or take for granted - bathing the baby in the kitchen sink, for example.'

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay suggests how simple it can be to make photographs that are meaningful, as well as beautiful.

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The Beautiful Ordinary Love Story Photography Promotion for Geelong Families.

'Love and romance look a little different these days. We once celebrated with flowers and candy, but it’s hard to connect such things with what we know now. The truth is, love isn’t glamorous, and it looks nothing like the ads on tv.'

In this piece, learn about Geelong photographer Michelle McKay's Valentine's Day promotion.

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The 21 Days Until Christmas Storytelling Session Special - Geelong Photographer Michelle McKay

'Book and secure a 2 hour Story Session for a date within the first three months of 2018. As well as the session, you’ll receive an 8x12 fine art work, professionally mounted and ready for framing (artist’s choice).'

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay introduces the 21 Days Until Christmas Story Session Special.

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Home is so much more than a place - an in-home newborn photography session in Newtown, Geelong.

'Home. It’s so much more than a place. It’s a time capsule.'

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay talks about the importance of home and the reason photographs in the home are so important over time.

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