I’ve just birthed my baby - for when should I book my in-home newborn story? (Or, Why in-home newborn sessions are about so much more than a baby). By Geelong Newborn Photographer, Michelle McKay.
How beautiful is this simple yet evocative portrait of motherhood?
I photograph a lot of newborn stories (it’s no secret that I ADORE a squishy freshie!), and one of the most common questions I’m asked when new parents make their initial inquiry is how long after little one arrives should they expect their session to take place.
My answer is always the same.
In the name of documenting a significant and life changing piece of your family's story, let’s catch those memories as soon as possible! : )
Whether this is your first or final babe (or perhaps one in between!), those first few days of bring home baby will be exciting, formative and incomparable, as well as amongst the most fleeting of eras in your long life.
I can’t get enough of shooting families soon after they've brought a brand new human home.
It is a magical time, a crazy time.
During those first days the routine of the house is a little out of kilter. There is a buzz of excitement in the air, and older kiddies are antsy and often ever so slightly mischievous, as they busily adjust to the new world order while simultaneously falling (often clumsily, heavily!) head over heels in love with their tiny new sibling.
That first week is special and wonderful, packed with affection, explosive emotions, intimacy, clumsy toddler love and a little bit of wild.
Because I'm aware of this, when I visit, you can just go right on living your normal, not-so-normal, just-had-a-baby lives.
It’s low stakes and low expectations.
There’s no need to wipe down the benches, tuck away the wipes, the pile of burp rags, or the mass of other multifarious items that've taken up residence on the coffee table or the living room floor. Everything can remain just exactly as it is - a perfect part of this crazy, nothing-else-like-it time.
While I’m with you there’ll likely be bathing, snuggles, nappy changes and feeding.
I’ll spend some quiet time with mama and baby, and I’ll kick around with big brothers and sisters, too. After all, they are experienced (and often entertaining!) players in this story.
The truth is, an in-home newborn story session is about more than just a baby.
It’s about the birth of a new family dynamic, the beginning of an unchartered way of living and being together. It’s about catching those first days and weeks of adjusting and growing and figuring it all out.
It’s about shaping and discovering the beautiful ordinary, all over again.
So. When should I come?
Let me come the same week as baby arrives home, if you can. Because that first week?
There is so much magic there.
Now in saying that, one of the trillion amazing things about storytelling and documentary family photography?
It doesn’t really matter if it's that first week of not.
Unlike posed newborn photography, I can visit the first week or month, or it could be six months down the track.
The best time is always NOW.
Because whenever it is, there will be a wonderful, glorious, most beautifully ordinary story to tell.
That, I can guarantee.
Please enjoy these story highlights from when I visited the Cole family of Ceres for an afternoon.
They'd just brought home their sweet second daughter, and the home was alive with the joy of finally meeting their newest family member (isn't she utter perfection?!).
Interested in seeing some more in-home newborn story sessions, photographed right here in Geelong? You can view them here and here.
Oh, and if you'd love to see even more new baby goodness, have a look at this glorious Fresh 48 story session, shot right here at our own Geelong district hospital.
Be sure to get in touch to enquire about having your own family's newborn story documented.