Five reasons you should have your photographs taken at the beach this winter. A storytelling session with the Janetzki family of Armstrong Creek.

Yawning boy on his mum's shoulders on beach.

The beach is always beautiful, yet people seem to steer clear of it when the weather is cool.

Here are five simple reasons why having your family photographed on the beach during the winter is a wonderful idea!


1. There’s something terribly romantic about being rugged up against the weather.

Beanies, scarves, vests, woollen socks and thick baggy jumpers.

Not only does layering ourselves against the chill of the ocean breeze make us more comfortable, it also gives off such a romantic let’s-move-to-a-lighthouse kind of vibe. 

Varied textures also photograph beautifully, so a thick and snuggly old man beanie on a baby makes me all kinds of happy!


2. Your children will LOVE it. 

If your child is anything like mine, they don't actually seem to feel the cold.

They’ll explore the rock pools, roll in the sand, take off their socks and sink their feet in the surf and they’ll be in bliss.

Run wild, my child. I’ll stand over here and take the photo. <3

(Oh, and if you have a little one who is less impressed by the breeze, I’ll be there to capture all the adorable momma snuggles!)


3. The light, baby!

The light is so deliciously soft during this time of year. 

This makes the tones of the ocean so gorgeously pastel and painterly (which is beyond exciting for me and particularly wonderful when you consider the art we’re making for your walls!).


4. The beach is quiet in the winter.

All the tourists are at home or off in some tropical paradise and the local beach is empty.

The surf continues to kiss the shore but no one is there to see it, with the exception of the diehard surfers and a lone man with his dog. 

What better time to avail yourself of such a stunning and vast natural backdrop?!


5. And this is the BIG one - your photographs should tell your family’s story

If your family adores the beach regardless of the time of year, why not have photographs to tell that story? 

Let’s document your life as it is. 

No need to wait until the summer, or make a booking for a studio photographer with a backdrop in every shade of grey. 

Let's tell the story of your life. 

Real life.


Just add water.


Here are some photographs from a storytelling session I did at the beach last month.

The Janetzki family met me at Breamlea Beach near their home in Armstrong Creek first thing of a Saturday morning for this shoot. They brought their buckets, their football and their beanies and I tagged along, documenting their play and their adventures.

Here's a little peek at their story.


If you’re local to the Geelong or Melbourne areas I can shoot a beach storytelling session for your family, too. 




A short and sweet storytelling photography session; a Sunday afternoon wander on Torquay Beach, Victoria.


What’s an in-home storytelling session, anyway? A lazy Sunday afternoon with the Grant family of Herne Hill.