As a photographer for newborns and young families in Geelong, I’m so honoured to step into people’s homes and capture those organic, meaningful moments that make up a family love story.

Here you’ll find some snippets of my professional family photography in Geelong and beyond.

Sisterhood and sibling love. A morning at home in Bannockburn with Geelong photographer Michelle McKay.

‘Last night while preparing dinner, I phoned my sister. It was the typical type of conversation - she filling me in on the shenanigans of my nephew and niece, and what's been going on at work, and the pretty new lemon tree she got for her birthday. Then me laughing with her about the dog, and the silly thing my son did earlier that day, and describing in all too unnecessary detail the floral chair I'm hoping to find for the corner of my room. I ended the call smiling, and fell promptly and deeply into a thought that left me breathless.’

In this piece Geelong photographer Michelle McKay reflects on sisterhood, and how worthy that connection is of artfully documenting.

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The real life; beautiful ordinary artefacts, and why unposed photography is an investment in forever. Or: What real treasure looks like, with Geelong and Melbourne photographer, Michelle McKay

‘When I was small, my dad took photographs. I guess you could call him an original family documentarian; he didn’t just take photos of clean kids siting neatly on the porch, or in front of the church before Sunday School. He took photographs of everything. My toddler brother in his high chair, eating Vegemite toast. Me and my sister picking mandarins off the fruit tree in the backyard, or shelling peas at the picnic table with mum. The washing line, heavy with tiny pastel singlets and cloth nappies on washing day, stark whites flapping lazily in the sunny breeze.’

In this piece, Geelong and Melbourne photographer Michelle McKay explores the true value of unposed photography and the way its value only grows over time.

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Dear Friends, On the eve of my baby’s arrival, gift me photographs. An open letter by Geelong photographer, Michelle McKay

‘Whether it be baby one or number three, the long standing tradition of gathering with well wishes, wisdom and an assortment of miscellaneous baby goods is a beautiful way to arm new mamas on their journey into motherhood. When the gorgeous day of kindred connection and pastel patterned bunting comes to a close, pregnant women the country over are left with a belly full of cake and a gift table piled high with lotions, onesies, cloth nappies and an assortment of either brightly coloured or wooden infant paraphernalia (depending where you sit on the scale of one to Montessori).’

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay introduces the idea of gifting expectant mothers a photo session, rather than baby goods.

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A little note on why I shoot - Geelong photographer Michelle McKay speaks about documenting life.

'What I relearned is that whether or not I’ve shot this scene before isn’t the point. I photograph to document our lives, to tell our beautiful ordinary story. Not to satisfy some non-existent set list.'

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay explains the reason she shoots, and gives the reminder that time is always speeding quickly by.

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Father's Day Flash Giveaway - Geelong Photographer Michelle McKay is giving away a Short Story Session!

'With Father’s Day fast approaching, I’m in the mood for a giveaway! On Sunday evening, I will be gifting one lucky Geelong family an in-home Short Story Session, valued at $500!'

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay promotes her Flash Father's Day Giveaway.

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The baby’s first year milestones you’ll want to document - preserving the memories of your little one’s first year.

'Documenting your children’s milestones through photographs is perfect for creating a tangible record of your family history. It’s such a powerful way to tell the story of your child's life in a way that not only encourages a deep sense of self, but will also foster feelings of belonging and place as they grow.'

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay compiles a list of first year milestones for expectant parents.

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Five reasons you should have your photographs taken at the beach this winter. A storytelling session with the Janetzki family of Armstrong Creek.

'The beach is always beautiful, yet people seem to steer clear of it when the weather is cool. Here are five simple reasons why having your family photographed on the beach during the winter is a wonderful idea!'


In this post, Geelong lifestyle photographer Michelle McKay outlines five stellar reasons why having your Geelong family photography session at the beach is a stunning idea.

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storytelling photography michelle mckay storytelling photography michelle mckay

What’s an in-home storytelling session, anyway? A lazy Sunday afternoon with the Grant family of Herne Hill.

'In an in-home session the aim is to capture your family living their lives in the most unscripted of ways. It’s candid, authentic and real. I will come to your home for a couple of hours and just visit with you, documenting your family as you connect and play with one another. We’ll chat and maybe share a cup of coffee and in the midst of the crazy or the calm I’ll be quietly clicking away, capturing it all.'

In this piece, Geelong family lifestyle photographer Michelle McKay explains what to expect from an in-home session and showcases some highlights from a recent Herne Hill photography session.

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