What’s an in-home storytelling session, anyway? A lazy Sunday afternoon with the Grant family of Herne Hill.


I talk a lot about in-home sessions; about the importance and the value of preserving the ordinary moments of your life

so the memories are there to re-visit and cherish in the years to come. 

Understandably, you may be wondering what an in-home session might actually look like. 

Parents with cups of tea chatting with small daughter.

After all, it’s not your typical lifestyle session and you may not have seen anything like it. 

In an in-home session the aim is to capture your family living their lives in the most unscripted of ways. It’s candid, authentic and real. 

I will come to your home for a couple of hours and just visit with you, documenting your family as you connect and play with one another.

We’ll chat and maybe share a cup of coffee and in the midst of the crazy or the calm I’ll be quietly clicking away, capturing it all.


Sometimes parents worry their family aren’t interesting enough, that they don’t do anything. 

Don’t worry about that. 

After you’ve booked and before your session we’ll have a chat.

On the phone, via email or over a coffee I’ll ask you about the memories that are important to your family, the things you want to remember in years to come.

We’ll brainstorm ideas and come up with a plan together so that by the time I arrive, camera in hand, you will be completely at ease.

All this said, I figured perhaps the easiest way to explain to you what an in-home session looks like might be to simply show you one. 

This is a session I completed recently for a local Herne Hill family.

As you can see, the images depict a typical afternoon in their beautiful ordinary life. 

There was baking, footy, trampoline wars, snuggles, cups of tea and a very serious naming and re-homing ceremony for a particularly well-loved snail.

All in all? Just a standard Sunday afternoon, really.

If you’re local to the Geelong or Melbourne areas I can shoot an in-home storytelling session for your family, too. 


Click here to book.


Five reasons you should have your photographs taken at the beach this winter. A storytelling session with the Janetzki family of Armstrong Creek.


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