As a photographer for newborns and young families in Geelong, I’m so honoured to step into people’s homes and capture those organic, meaningful moments that make up a family love story.

Here you’ll find some snippets of my professional family photography in Geelong and beyond.

5 Reasons in-home newborn photography is gaining popularity with new parents.

'I have hazy memories of bringing home my newborns. Both times we were sleep deprived, shell-shocked and surviving on a random combination of coffee, cereal, (painkillers!) and frozen dinners. Truth be told, I was too tired to think about newborn photographs and being a photographer I figured I’d take them myself (right after my next nap…).'

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay talks about the many benefits of having a memory catcher come to your home to take photographs when you bring home a new baby.

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Father's Day Flash Giveaway - Geelong Photographer Michelle McKay is giving away a Short Story Session!

'With Father’s Day fast approaching, I’m in the mood for a giveaway! On Sunday evening, I will be gifting one lucky Geelong family an in-home Short Story Session, valued at $500!'

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay promotes her Flash Father's Day Giveaway.

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The baby’s first year milestones you’ll want to document - preserving the memories of your little one’s first year.

'Documenting your children’s milestones through photographs is perfect for creating a tangible record of your family history. It’s such a powerful way to tell the story of your child's life in a way that not only encourages a deep sense of self, but will also foster feelings of belonging and place as they grow.'

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay compiles a list of first year milestones for expectant parents.

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Lifestyle Portraits - 3 compelling ways they’re better than traditional portraits, by Geelong photographer Michelle McKay

'Although they might seem more unpredictable, the portraits resulting from a lifestyle photography session may just be more valuable, more meaningful and no less framable than your standard traditional portrait.'

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay discusses just three of the the reasons you should consider lifestyle portraits over a more traditional alternative

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The Truth about Motherhood - Geelong Photographer Michelle McKay explains why documenting motherhood authentically is so important.

'I want to document motherhood. Real motherhood. The quiet motherhood, the intimate motherhood, the profoundly personal and familiar and instantly recognisable motherhood - so that we women can see it and own it and cherish it forever.'

In this piece, Geelong Photographer Michelle McKay explains and explores why documenting authentic motherhood through photographs is so important.

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“My house is too dark for an in-home session.” Watch this Geelong photographer prove you wrong.

'Storytelling photography is a new style of lifestyle photography in the Geelong area. As a result, when I speak about what I do, people often express their reservations about having someone shoot in their home. They worry their space is ‘too dingy’ or ‘too cluttered’, or ‘not bright and airy’ enough. I’m sharing these photographs to demonstrate that none of that matters.'

In this piece, Geelong Lifestyle Photographer Michelle McKay demonstrates that many spaces, however unlikely, can be perfectly suited to documentary and storytelling photography. You just need to know how to find the light.

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Six compelling reasons to decorate your home with lifestyle photographs - Geelong Lifestyle Photographer.

'Storytelling photography is the newest style of lifestyle photography. It’s authentic and real and it documents your actual life, transforming the ordinary into something beautiful and captivating. Here are just a few reasons why you should choose storytelling photographs for your personal picture galleries.'

In this piece, Geelong lifestyle photographer Michelle McKay explores why lifestyle photographs make evocative and meaningful wall art for every home. 

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This Old Love. The Bold and Beautiful Bond of Motherhood.

'Motherhood is a meditation. It is a prayer to the universe and to the darkest, innermost depth of our selves. Motherhood is a mantra, spoken over and again and not always tenderly.'

In this piece, Geelong lifestyle photographer Michelle McKay explores motherhood, and the fleeting nature of time. She also announces the introduction of Intimate Motherhood Storytelling Sessions for the residents of the greater Geelong and Melbourne regions of Victoria. 

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in-home session, dear diary michelle mckay in-home session, dear diary michelle mckay

The importance of living in the now and learning to say yes.

'Maybe I can't do it all, but what I can do is make the most perfect slightly burnt and excessively decorated gingerbread men my daughter's ever seen.'

In this piece, Geelong lifestyle photographer Michelle McKay talks about the importance of being present in our own lives and prioritising the things which are most important.

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