As a photographer for newborns and young families in Geelong, I’m so honoured to step into people’s homes and capture those organic, meaningful moments that make up a family love story.

Here you’ll find some snippets of my professional family photography in Geelong and beyond.

Storytelling Family Photography Promotion for Zoe George - The Subtle Mummy fans, living in Geelong and Melbourne!

'I'm pleased to announce I have a super special offer for friends and fans of Zoe George and The Subtle Mummy. If you’re a resident of Geelong or Melbourne and you secure a Storytelling Session for your family for any time between now and December of 2018, you can enjoy and Storytelling Session for the super special price of $599.'

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay announces a special promotion for readers and followers of Zoe George and The Subtle Mummy.

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BEFORE and AFTER: Geelong Photographer Michelle McKay shares the transformation of a photograph through the editing process.

'There’s no denying that the makings of a strong and stunning photograph happens in camera - the talent and experience of the artist is so important in shaping the vision of the resulting capture. But in order to create a photograph that transcends the humble snap and moves into fine art, a lot happens behind the scenes.'

In this piece, Geelong Photographer Michelle McKay reveals the transformation of a SOOC image to the completed piece of photographic art.

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5 Reasons in-home newborn photography is gaining popularity with new parents.

'I have hazy memories of bringing home my newborns. Both times we were sleep deprived, shell-shocked and surviving on a random combination of coffee, cereal, (painkillers!) and frozen dinners. Truth be told, I was too tired to think about newborn photographs and being a photographer I figured I’d take them myself (right after my next nap…).'

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay talks about the many benefits of having a memory catcher come to your home to take photographs when you bring home a new baby.

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Beautiful Ordinary Adventures - An Excursion To Warralily Boulevard Beach Hut Playground in Armstrong Creek, with Geelong Photographer Michelle McKay

'This morning's beautiful ordinary adventure was to a fantastic new playground in Armstrong Creek. The Warralily Boulevard Beach Hut Playground (named by me for its whimsical cubbies and climbing structures constructed of the most beautiful bleached wood) is a small stone's throw from off the Surf Coast Highway turnoff and it is all kinds of fantastic.'

In this piece, Geelong Photographer Michelle McKay showcases a local Armstrong Creek park.

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Beautiful Ordinary Adventures - An excursion to the Geelong Playspace in East Geelong, with Geelong Photographer Michelle McKay

'Monday is our adventure day. The greater Geelong region is overflowing with fun little family friendly parks, playgrounds and spaces, and as relative newcomers to the area, we're busy discovering them all.'

In this piece, Geelong Photographer Michelle McKay visits the Geelong Playspace in East Geelong.

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Family Identity and the Importance of HOME. Geelong photographer documents an afternoon with the Lynch family.

"It's said that you can never go home again, and it's true enough, of course. But the opposite is also true. You must go back, and you always go back, and you can never stop going back, no matter how hard you try."

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay speaks on the importance and the role of home in shaping personal identity. For this reason, photographing people in their homes is so important - it tells a part of their unique story.

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A little note on why I shoot - Geelong photographer Michelle McKay speaks about documenting life.

'What I relearned is that whether or not I’ve shot this scene before isn’t the point. I photograph to document our lives, to tell our beautiful ordinary story. Not to satisfy some non-existent set list.'

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay explains the reason she shoots, and gives the reminder that time is always speeding quickly by.

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An open letter to dads everywhere for Father's Day, 2017

'No matter how you slice it, parenthood is a crazy, hazy, shock of a thing. It’s both the spinning round in circles and the moment you stop, reaching desperately for something so you don’t fall flat.'

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay heroes dads in honour of Father’s Day weekend in Australia.

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Father's Day Flash Giveaway - Geelong Photographer Michelle McKay is giving away a Short Story Session!

'With Father’s Day fast approaching, I’m in the mood for a giveaway! On Sunday evening, I will be gifting one lucky Geelong family an in-home Short Story Session, valued at $500!'

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay promotes her Flash Father's Day Giveaway.

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The baby’s first year milestones you’ll want to document - preserving the memories of your little one’s first year.

'Documenting your children’s milestones through photographs is perfect for creating a tangible record of your family history. It’s such a powerful way to tell the story of your child's life in a way that not only encourages a deep sense of self, but will also foster feelings of belonging and place as they grow.'

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay compiles a list of first year milestones for expectant parents.

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Lifestyle Portraits - 3 compelling ways they’re better than traditional portraits, by Geelong photographer Michelle McKay

'Although they might seem more unpredictable, the portraits resulting from a lifestyle photography session may just be more valuable, more meaningful and no less framable than your standard traditional portrait.'

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay discusses just three of the the reasons you should consider lifestyle portraits over a more traditional alternative

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Geelong Photographer - Introducing the Storytelling Collections!

'As a photographer and a mother, an art lover and a sentimentalist, it's no secret I'm passionate about photographs - actual hold-in-your-hands photographs. Tangible products that remind you of the life you have lived, that celebrate the the milestones as well as the every day moments.'

In this piece, Geelong photographer Michelle McKay explains the benefits of printed photographs and introduces the Storytelling Collections she offers as part of her services.

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